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All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With!

Umair Khan
Written By
Umair Khan
July 9, 2020
10 minutes read

Web development industry is always in motion with new standards rolling out faster than can be implemented! The only way to stay a step ahead is by focusing on the latest trends, technologies and best practices. As a leading website design company in Dubai, we have saved your precious time by collecting all the hottest trends to grow your website development business. Have a look below!

Voice Search

We have only begun to discover the rise of voice search which is likely to become the new normal on the digital domain pretty soon. Almost every smartphone these days is equipped with a digital voice assistant for both Android and Apple user-base. Adding to it is the imminent rise in AI-powered smart speakers that will take voice search trend further. 


When developing a web application, performance should be of the highest quality and uncompromised. Unfortunately, limitations to JavaScript result in slower calculations especially if they’re heavy which eventually impacts overall user experience in a pessimistic way. This is one reason for powerful applications and games to exist as a native-only desktop app.

WebAssembly has proved to be a game-changer as it allows web apps to perform just native-like since any programming language code can be assembled into bytecode to run conveniently in the search browser. Yet another pro-fact of WebAssembly is faster execution of the code as compared to JavaScript allowing you to write the critical-performance section of the app in the most suitable language that can be executed immediately in the browser.

Machine Learning for Tailored Content

The coming of AI and machine learning in day to day activities isn’t new. In fact, machine learning can self-learn and evolve in an amazing way which is without us humans even recognising with whom we’re communicating at the other end. For this reason, in particular, machine learning has resulted in improved native experience.

ML embedded software programmes are capable to learn, evolve and improve without any direct intervention of the developers or any human counterpart. It does so by analysing the incoming data packets, detecting the patterns, processing the information for decision making and eventually improving work.

Some of the finest examples of ML implementation that have improved customer service experience twin-fold are of Airbnb and Netflix. Speaking of Netflix, engineers at the company have enhanced the ability of ML by using more advanced algorithms to serve users in a more personalised and better way.

Website applications developed for different industries today are powered by machine learning and have already shown remarkable results. Some particular sectors include healthcare, finance, education, agriculture and more.

Data Security & Defence

It’s ironic that even in the era of advanced technology and in a digitally saturated world, the rate of cybercrimes is higher than usual. That said, cybercriminals are more appealed to the amount of data being processed which nowadays is hundred-times greater since almost everyone is an active internet user and producing information in one way or another.

Web service security should, therefore, be on top of the to-do lists when it comes to website design and development. As a top website development Dubai company, our talented data scientists and software engineers have shared four valuable tips to keep user data safe

  • Don’t Disregard Security Testing

To ensure maximum data protection and prevention from exploiting it to the unauthorised, security testing can be conducted during the website development stage. The process would deeply check each and every aspect of your website and/or mobile application for possible security flaws and fix them instantly.

  • Website-Monitoring Tools

A powerful, tried and tested algorithm if deployed carefully to a website, can constantly keep a check on any suspicious activity as well as alert before the uncanny happens. As a result, a website is protected from the possible breach and cybercriminal activities.

  • Be Vigilant with Third-Party Services

Website and mobile application development process have become easier and more convenient ever since SaaS software. Still, you should always be extra vigilant in choosing any third-party service by conforming on reliability and credibility. Look for reviews on the internet which is perhaps the best way to avail the best service.

  • Always Encrypt Precious Data

Consider the case when the unwanted happens and the offender somehow breaches the database, all their efforts are likely to flip only if the sensitive data has been encrypted.

Gradual Rise in Progressive Web Apps (PWA) & Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

When digitalisation & websites are a concern, the first thought to cross the mind is that of Google and there’s a good reason! As a search engine giant, Google has come a long way in improving overall web standards and the latest algorithm update favours website and applications that load in a jiffy on mobile devices. This is why technology such as Progressive Web Apps and/or Accelerated Mobile Pages should be a priority because of their ability to shorten website loading time.

Progressive Web App (PWA) refers to a web page that mimics the experience of native mobile. It’s capable of loading and running faster, even with poor or no internet connectivity which is a major pro fact. Most of the eCommerce websites and mobile applications are developed as PWAs for a high-end experience.

Then there’s the Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) which works only for the static content; however, it’s the ability to load quicker than regular HTML gives it a competitive edge. That said, an AMP works faster because it disregards all the fancy elements and displays that probably take a long time to load. Only vital information as text and images is being displayed which is why the approach is perfect for news publishers and blog pages.

The Multiple Experience

The journey which started with smartphones, tablets, computers and laptops have experienced major changes in terms of technology, uses & the way they’re being deployed in the website development niche. With AI, IoT and many other emerging tech trends, multi-experience is yet another aspect that lets users engage with a website or an app anytime, anywhere as long as there’s a connected device.

The concept of multi-experience is mostly about screens as websites and apps that work perfectly on any screen size are high in demand. A much simpler term is ‘responsive website’ that adapts to any screen size but multi-experience is something that goes beyond the looks, giving users the advantage of the multisensory tech, multitouch points, multiple screens and multiple devices altogether. This multi-factor is further heightened by integrating AR/VR tech modules, voice assistants and more to the screen for immersive digital experience.

2020 is the year of unexpected change for everything digital. The above-highlighted trends are only a few of more to come as we move forward and progress further. Stay with us for more latest updates!

All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With!
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All the Latest Web Development Trends & Technologies You Should Be Familiar With!
As a leading website design company in Dubai, we have saved your precious time by collecting all the hottest trends to grow your website development business.